Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry



When you need more than standard testing services, count on Battelle. We go beyond standardized analytical testing to help you select the right methods for the problems you need to solve and understand what your data is telling you. Our analytical chemistry services are backed by a deep understanding of environmental science so we can help you find the most effective and cost-efficient path to finding the answers you need. If the right method doesn’t exist, we can help you develop it. Battelle brings together world-class analytical laboratory services with expertise in environmental science, toxicology, data analytics and statistics to deliver: • Quality data even under challenging conditions, including low detection limits and difficult analytes or matrices • Expert consulting services for method selection, data analysis and interpretation • New method development and optimization for non-standard problems, including detection methods for emerging contaminants of concern and complex matrices • In-depth expertise with petroleum-impacted sites and hydrocarbon forensics

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