Listen to DAD – new informatics tools and NEB enzymes to enable one-pot Golden Gate Assemblies of unprecedented complexity
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 6:00 PM to 6:45 PM · 45 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Accelerate your Design-Build-Test cycle with Golden Gate Assembly (GGA) reagents and informatics design tools from NEB! Recent advances in understanding the fidelity, bias, and efficiency of fragment assembly in GGA now allow for assemblies of unprecedented complexity and target size in one pot – over 50 fragments, with assemblies of up to 40kB demonstrated. Data-optimized Assembly Design (DAD) using informatics tools with NEB enzymes, kits and workflows allow rapid and accurate production of large targets from many fragments with minimal screening of products required. Join NEB scientists for a discussion of the latest innovations in DNA assembly.