The Scale-Up Valley of Death: The real challenges of scaling your biomanufacturing process to 10,000 liters

The Scale-Up Valley of Death: The real challenges of scaling your biomanufacturing process to 10,000 liters

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 8:15 PM to 9:00 PM · 45 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


Your startup has a pathway to a superior commodity chemical. You’ve got proof of concept, a ready market, and your first customer. How will you scale your production from a 500 ml sample to a 10,000 liter qualifying run? This panel grapples with the valley of death between the shaker flask and commercial-scale production. We’ll talk about CMOs and the people who need them, intermediate scales of production, capex considerations, and some systems and certifications along the path to producing in hundreds of thousands of tons.

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